The Spinalzo Bros...
"....the incredible production team is back in da house!" A magazine from Berlin wrote. "They deliver cleverly produced crossover-tracks. (...) They combine Metal, Hardcore, Rap, Industrial, Elektro, Funk, Soul and strings
to melt them into a grooving mass."
One of the Bros. speciality is their wide open minded variety of musical styles in producing their projects. Wheter the projects follow one style or the styles follow one project. Ice-Belle sounds like Elektropop with ambient chillout grooves and a sweet female voice. Remedy's home is Rock - from Funk to Numetal, Unplugged and Dark...
Here's all of the productions and projects of the Bros. collected for your pleasure. You can seek here for pics, mp3s, and videos. You're welcome to get in touch with us or order by pleasure what you like.
The Spinalzo Bros.
Produced by The Spinalzo Bros. ... [more]
The Spinalzo Bros. - things are not like they should
compilation of various artists:
Supreme Team, Project Firesquid, Remedy Inc., Solar Plexus, Dan T., The Spinalzo Bros.
Watch the little video-teaser on the page... [go]
Produced by The Spinalzo Bros. ... [more]
Supreme Team - Vocal Hitman
"dark underground hip-hop partial german and partial english... "
With Tracks like: "X", "Vocal Hitman and others...
Watch the absolute funny video: "5 o'clock in da mo'nin'"! [go]
Kill Drum - -=[ Moustache ]=-
"ambient drum'n'bass trance fusion with heavy guitars ... "
Watch the video-teaser on this page! [go]
Ice-Belle - Distant Time
"fabulous melodies combined with the mood of a female voice... "
It was a time when dreams seem to come true and a girl sings with the voice of your soul... four tracks take you far away... [more]
Remedy Inc. - Short Bad Quarter Of An Hour
"numetal groove with rapping and melodic vocals... "
It was a work which took a long time. Every track needed special attention... but at least the wrok was done. This is the full album debut! [go]
Watch the teaser and the promo videoclip of Remedy's "My Life"... [go]
Remedy Inc. - Life World People
"remedy's numetal groove live in da hood... "
Remedy showed up their live potential and recorded themselves to let the raw and untamed power arise again and again... [go]
Watch the videoclips of the concert! [go]
.....‡ the spinalzo bros.
.....‡ ice-belle
.....‡ kill drum
.....‡ remedy inc.
.....‡ supreme team
.....‡ compilations