Experimental songwriting: "It´s much more like we realize that there is plenty of ideas to continue as we just have realized before…"
The idea of Remedy Inc. is to combine the sound of natural instruments and computer programmed samples to gain a more individual sound. A sound we consider timeless… because it is timeless...
The speed of life today is tremendous & dangerous to stand out in the storm.
The first song we did together was "Remedy". we started off with the bass sample which actually stayed the basis together with a pitched keyboard sound. Then we recorded the drums and the sound and the rhythm fit perfectly. Until then we had not even an idea what the voice could do…
"Unexploited Territory" was the second piece we made and again we started with some samples and some very interesting rhythm. The intro is a sample from the movie "Pi". The guitar riffs and the drums were done very quickly as well as the voice recordings. We realized what we've done when we finished the song…
Influenced by various styles Remedy Inc. is the melting pot.
The center of Remedy Inc.:
Martizzon - voices, samples, programming
El Oeli - drums, guitars, bass, samples, programming, voices
..:: Remedy Inc. HISTORY ::..
Founded in May 2004 Remedy Inc. is following their own style of recording songs. Their musical style is very hard to explain. It varys between hardcore rapping with grooving and ambient sounds and heavy guitars...
...what they say about themselves:
Remedy Inc. for us is a sort of musical cure which acts as simple as just doing it.
Actually it´s a really huge project for it originally consists of just two guys. There are plenty of guest musicians appearing on these tracks which makes the range of expectation as wide as open. For to say we just get surprised ourselves each time we start producing a new song - just letting things happen.